The Good Life Insurance Lifetime Insurance HSBC VN

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When your life is fulfilled with Life insurance offers, go with it

Comprehensive lifetime cover with savings element

Flexibility to increase protection for key life events

How to apply to see how to apply for the good life insurance

Benefits of Death or Total and Permanent Disability or Terminal Illness

This insurance product offers flexibility to help you meet your needs. Depending on your priorities, you can tailor their savings or financial protection accordingly. The following options are available:

Saving priority: You can select Level Death Benefit. The benefit you will receive under this option is the higher of current Sum Assuredand Target Account Value, plus Top-up Account Value calculated at time of insurance event occurring.

Protection priority: You can select Increasing Death Benefit. The benefit you will receive under this option is thetotal value of Sum Assuredand Target Account Value plusTop-up Account Value at time of insurance event occurring.

In addition, you have the flexibility to change the insurance value to meet their individual financial needs at each stage of their life by converting option of benefits, or enhancing coverage by adding riders as defined in the product terms conditions.

Flexibility to increase protection for key life events

Marriage and childbirth are important milestones in life. These events open new doors, but also create more responsibility for those caring for their loved ones1.

You will be entitled to increase the current Sum Assured up to 25% when you get married or new-born child or child adopting, without needing to provide new evidence of health or financial information.

This product feature allows you to easily optimize their insurance policy in order to secure financial protection for your loved ones.

1Only applies for standard policies, maximum application twice during the policy term. Events must occur from the second year of the contract and prior to 65 years old.

Benefits of Accidental Disabilities or Death

If the Life Assured suffers from Accidental disabilities before 65 years old, AIA shall pay up to extra 100% of current Sum Assured.

If the Life Assured dies due to Accident before 65 years old, AIA shall pay up to extra 200% of current Sum Assured in addition of Death benefit, subject to the cause of death due to accident.

Total Accidental Benefit per Life Assured of all insurance policies at AIA cannot exceed the maximum limit of 10 billion dong.

If the Life Assured dies, AIA shall pay extra 15% of current Sum Assured in addition of Death benefit provided that the Life Assured is from 15 years old and above at time of death and is determined non- smoker based on the information the Customer declared upon application.

If you suffer from cancer, AIA shall pay 25% of the Current Death Benefit Sum Assured.

Total Critical Illness and Cancer benefit per Life Assured of all insurance policies at AIA, including Cancer benefit of this Policy, cannot exceed VND 10 billion.

You have the flexibility to withdraw cash from yourTop-up Account Value at anytime; or Target Account Value to deal with urgent financial matters after the contract has been in force for 2 years.

Earning interest from Universal Life Fund’s Performance

During the period the policy is in force, the Account Value will earn interest on a monthly basis. The interest accredited will be based on the current Interest Crediting Rate at that point in time and not lower than the guaranteed interest crediting rate of AIA:

Policy year and Min guaranteed rate

Policy year and Min guaranteed rate

AIA commits to follow a prudent investment policy, focusing on safe and fixed income assets to preserve capital, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and deposits at credit institutions.

From the 5th policy anniversary onwards, a loyalty bonus will be allocated annually to the Target Account Value equivalent to a percentage of the annualized Target Premium as follows:

Every policy anniversary from 5th to 9th: 12.5%

Every policy anniversary from 10th onwards: 15%

Customers will receive the Loyalty Bonus provided that up to the time of receiving the bonus, policy has not been lapsed, the annual Target premium is fully paid before each respective Policy Anniversary and no withdrawal of funds from the Target Account Value during the reward year.

Guarantee validity policy benefit

In the event that the customer fully pays the basic premium of the first 4 policy years and has never made a withdrawal from the Target Account Value, the insurance policy will still be valid even if the Target Account Value is not sufficient to pay the monthly deduction amount.

The customer will receive the Account Value at maturity date of the policy.

When an accident occurs, you may face additional financial burden. Let us help you take the best care of your financial with the Accident Indemnity rider.

Death, disabilities or burns due to accident: If the Life Assured dies, is injured, or burnt due to an accident, customers will be paid a benefit. The benefits are varying percentages of the rider sum assured. .

Double indemnity: for accidental death caused to the Life Assured

On commercial licensed public land or air transportation, having a regular schedule such as bus, train or commercial scheduled flight, or

In passenger public elevator or

As a direct consequence of fire in public buildings.

Detection of critical illnesses

If illnesses are detected early, there are more opportunities for treatment and rehabilitation of serious conditions. Let us help you take the best care of your health with the Early Critical Illnesses rider.

Early-stage critical illnesses The Sum Assured under this rider can be used to pay for the treatment of many critical illnesses. The Company does not apply a waiting time between the two benefit payment periods.

Waiver of premium when diagnosed with Level 2 critical illnesses When receiving benefits for level 2 critical illnesses, premiums applicable to this rider will be waived until end of the rider's term.

No claim benefit You will receive an additional bonus equivalent to 20% of the total premiums paid for this rider in every bonus period If no claims are made during the period.

Comprehensive Hospitalization Rider 2.0

Health is precious to everyone. We understand that protecting the health of your family is a major concern. The Comprehensive Hospitalisation Rider provides cover for your family as follows:

Inpatient treatment benefit Including the cost of radiotherapy and chemotherapy of oncology treatment

Outpatient treatment Optionally added outpatient treatment benefit

Direct Billing Enjoy direct billing service at authorized hospitals or clinic in major provinces and cities

Waiver of Premium - Version 3.0

In the event that families require a financial grant to overcome unexpected challenges, this feature allows you to maintain the policy without paying premiums.

When the life assured of this Rider dies or suffers Total and Permanent Disability , the customer will be waived total premium of basic policy and other effective riders being attached to the basic policy, but it does not include saving premium of unit-linked investment product category.

The customer will receive this benefit starting from the next premium due date right after the happening of the issued event to the end of this Rider’s term.

Issue age: 30 days to 65 years old

Premium Payment Frequency: Annual, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly

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Operating hours: from 8am to 10pm daily

TargetPremium: means the amount which the customer determines according to his/her needs and shall be paid according to the payment frequency chosen.

Top-upPremium: means the amount remaining after the annualizedTarget Premium and all rider premiums due are fully paid. In every policy year, the total ofTop-up Premium shall not exceed5 times of the annualTarget Premium of the first Policy Year.

Allocation Charge: means the expense amount that AIA shall deduct from eachTarget Premium and Top-up Premium payment, before the money is allocated to the Universal Life Fundas follows:

This is a percentage of Protection Premium and Saving Premium as follows:

This is a percentage of Protection Premium and Saving Premium as follows:

Cost of Insurance: means the cost that AIA uses to pay insurance benefits under these Policy Terms and Conditions.

Policy Administrative Fee: means the fee that AIA uses for Policy maintenance and providing information related to this Policy, currently VND 30,000 per month, maximum VND 60,000 per month

Fund Management Fee: maximum is 2% of total asset value of universal life fund. The fund management fee will be deducted from the interest earned, before the interest rate is declared to customers.

Partial Withdrawal Charge: None

With a flexible development, The Good Life 2.0 helps customers ensure their protection and saving plan through flexible premium allocation mechanism but requires a period of premium time as follows:

During the first 4 Policy Years, customers need to pay the periodically Target Premium in full before the end of 60 days from the due date of each premium period to keep the policy inforce.

From the 5th Policy Year onwards, customers may pay part or all of the Target Premium periodically but need to maintain the Policy Account Value not less than the monthly deduction to ensure the policy is inforce.

Customers can pay Top-up premium if the Target premium and all premium of riders in current policy year have been paid in full.

Customers have the right to cancel the policy within 21 days from the date they receive the policy. The company will reimburse any premiums the Policyholder has paid, without interest, after deducting the costs of the health check .

How does it work to read How does The Good Life insuarance work Download link

Terms and conditions to read the terms and conditions of The Good Life insurance Download link

Accident Indemnity to read the details of Accident Indemnity Download link

Early Critical Illnesses to read the details of Early Critical Illnesses Download link

Comprehensive Hospitalization Rider – Version 2.0

Comprehensive Hospitalization Rider – Version 2.0 click here to learn more about the Comprehensive Hospitalization Rider – Version 2.0 Download link

Waiver of Premium - Version 3.0

Waiver of Premium - Version 3.0 click here to learn more about the Waiver of Premium - Version 3.0 Download link

Please specify the key advantages of THE GOOD LIFE 2.0. Why should I purchase this product?

THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 is an optimal financial solution offer solid protection and peace of mind financially throughout one’s life. A flexible combination of financial protection and accumulated saving, THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 helps customers be proactive in the planning and implementing a long-term financial plan with the following highlights:

Products will coexist two accounts aretarget account andtop-up account help customers maximize their saving plan as well as maintaining protection benefit throughout the term of policy.

Customers have the flexibility to select the premium and the Sum Assured suitable for each stage of life. With the same premium, the customer can choose the Sum Assured in line with demand of protection by changing the premium multiples in the range allowed at inception or at any policy anniversary date.

Product offers 2 benefit options: Level Death Benefit and Increasing Death Benefit, to help customers proactively decide the insurance value against risks of total permanent disability or deathor terminal illness according to their needs. At the same time, the product allows customers to have the right to convert between the 2 benefit options when there is a change of insurance and saving needs in life.

Every key life event such as marriage or having new born child, when the liability of the pillar of a family will rise, customers will be entitled to increase the Sum Assured up to 25% of the current Sum Assured without providing proof of health and finance.

Customers will be awarded an extra accidentaldisabilities or death benefit up to 200% of current Sum Assured.

Customers will be awarded 15% of the Sum Assured if the Life Assured is from 15 years old and above at time of death and is determined non- smoker based on the information the Customer declared upon application.

Customers will beawarded 25% of the Sum Assured upon diagnosis of Cancer to be able to cover the cost of treatment.

In the event that the customer fully pays the basic premium of the first 4 policy years and has never made a withdrawal from the Target Account Value, the insurance policy will still be valid even if the Target Account Value is not sufficient to pay the monthly deduction amount.

Please specify 2 insurance benefit options of THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 and in which option should customers participate accordingly?

THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 is developed with the aim of giving an enhanced financial protection, complete and flexible, suitable for many financial needs of customers. THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 provides 2 below death benefit options: Level Death Benefit: Upon death orTotal and Permanent Disability or terminal illness of the Life Assured during the policy is in force, AIA will pay thesum of:

The higher of 100% Current Sum Assured and Target Account Value; and

Increasing Death Benefit: Upon death or TPD or terminal illness of the Life Assured during the policy is in force, AIA will pay the sum of:

100% of Current Sum Assured; and

Depending on customer needs, Level Death Benefit will fit the needs of saving priority of customers; on the contrary Increasing Death Benefit will fit customers who desire to be insured more with the same level of premium and Sum Assured.

Please indicate premium payment term and policy term of THE GOOD LIFE 2.0.

THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 is a whole life insurance product, policy term is counted from the inception to the policy anniversary after the life assured is 100 years old. The premium payment term of THE GOOD LIFE 2.0 will be equal to the policy term.

Read full FAQ to read the frequently asked questions and answers about the good life insurance

Auto-payment through HSBC account

Bank transfer or cash deposit into AIA account at HSBC

Online payment via link

For more detail please contact our Contact Centre at

The Good Life is underwritten by AIA Life Insurance Company Limited, 15 Floor, Saigon Centre Tower 2 Building, 67 Le Loi St, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It is not an obligation of or guaranteed by HSBC Bank Ltd. The information of this product may be amended by AIA Life Insurance Company Limited from time to time and HSBC Bank Ltd. shall not be responsible for such amendments.

This webpage contains only general information and a basic summary of the product. All terms, conditions and benefits of the product will be governed by the Terms and Conditions of the policy. The Policy will only be issued upon acceptance of the Application Form. Any persons interested in this product should consider whether the product is suitable before making a commitment to purchase the policy. Please contact us for further advice.

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